Follow the breadcrumbs…

I have been interested in Law of Attraction for many years. Like most people, it started with watching “The Secret” which came across our screens many years ago and left people in 2 main camps: The ones that found it mind blowing and immediately started using the tools and techniques, the other camp who found it completely unbelievable and fools fantasy. However, there is growing evidence through quantum physics that Law of Attraction is an undeniable reality. Physicists have discovered that everything that exists in the known Universe is consciousness and that we exist in Space and Time within that consciousness. We can create our own reality from the Quantum Field, outside of space and time and pretty much create our best life by following what resonates, listening to our emotions, our intuition or gut instinct and giving no attention to what doesn’t resonate with us, using our emotions and visualisation to feel into this new reality and then embody it, living as if we already have created it.

Sounds fantastical? I get you. It certainly does, however when I did further research into this, it really left me in no doubt that this is in fact the case. I now believe that our life is basically a movie that we create. We choose which frames we want to create eg do we go left or go right, take this job or take that job, start this relationship or that relationship, usually, initially based on how it makes us feel. However, our thinking brain often confuses us by getting in the way with “logic” or “reason” and often makes us question our initial gut feeling. This is where we can get into hot water and make the wrong decisions which leave us unhappy, unfulfilled and fearful for our futures, thinking “I knew this wasn’t right…if only I had listened to my gut and not questioned it.”

So what is this gut instinct and how come it’s never wrong? Great question! Gut instinct, or intuition, is your immediate understanding of something; there’s no need to think it over or get another opinion—you just know. Your intuition arises as a feeling within your body that only you experience. Because the feeling is so personal, no one else can weigh in to tell you if you’re in touch with your gut instinct or not. You alone have to make the call. Because of this, trusting your intuition is the ultimate act of trusting yourself.

Personally, having used the Law of Attraction for many years now with great success, I have found it is greatest and easiest when we are living our lives by following the breadcrumbs and doing what lights us up, or resonates the most with us. When we do this we are tapping into the our intuition and our Higher Self that is keeping us on our path of self discovery. When we are doing what we love we are in a higher vibrational frequency and so easily attract, and are more aware of, the breadcrumbs that lead us to the next exciting part of our Journey in this lifetime. This can be an email that pops into your inbox with a title of exactly what you were about to do some reading or research on, you open the email and are fascinated by the person who sent the email as you immediately resonate with their way of thinking and so you follow them and in turn are introduced to other like minded souls who give you your next breadcrumbs, maybe business advice, a course, programme or podcast.

Before you know it you have veered onto a new exciting path of self discovery to talents you never even knew existed within you and are learning new tools that could mean new opportunities that will lead you into a new exciting career, starting a podcast, your soulmate, your dream home, travelling the world or….fill in the blank for yourself.

I can tell you I have manifested my forever home, my husband (don’t tell him), 2 promotions at work, financial abundance, great relationships with family and friends, my puppy Honey (she is truly priceless), holidays, free coffees, discounted products when I needed them, and of course car parking spaces which is what I started with. I can promise you have been manifesting your whole life but you weren’t aware of it.

My advice is, if in doubt try it out and see for yourself! What’s the worst that can happen?

Feel free to reach out and comment what you have manifested recently?


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