Reiki Master Teacher/Intuitive

If you're anything like me, you have lived part of your life feeling like life is being done to you, rather than life happening for you, passing off all the signs, symbols and synchronicities as coincidences. Until, one day, something grabs your attention fully, and for no reason you can fathom or explain, you are drawn like a magnet to something that is abut to change your life. That’s what happened to me with Reiki and spirituality. They found me because I listened.

You are searching for a different, better way to live your life, restoring physical, mental and emotional wellness and opening the connection to your inner guidance, so you are clear on which direction and what choices are right for you. You want to work with someone who sees and hears you to help uncover your highest potential but don’t know where to look.

That's where I come in: I help you heal from within with Reiki, and connect to the wisdom of your intuition that has been sending gentle nudges since you were born. Once you have these tools you can co-create your reality and live your best life on your terms, without looking outwards for the answers. Everything you need to live a healthy, abundant, joyful life is in your hands, literally and is waiting for to say yes.

My Story

We all have a story to tell about our Journey to who we are today.

For me I grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland and from as far back as I can remember could sense there was more to this reality than my 5 senses could perceive. I would frequently feel and sense there was someone with me and would often feel as if someone was standing right next to me, even though I was in a room by myself. I would also frequently know what someone was going to say right before they said it (this was very annoying and freaky for the people around me so quickly learned to stop pointing this out).

Luckily I had a mum who was very open minded and shared similar experiences to mine and was a casual tarot reader so I felt validated which was really comforting as I didn’t realise until I was older that this was not talked about and certainly not at school which I quickly discovered and was labelled as the weird kid and never ever felt like I fit in, and, even to this day I struggle with surface level conversations, preferring ones where we explore the meaning of life and our purpose on this planet. My system also can’t tolerate alcohol, which I now understand to be linked to my energy and frequency, making me even weirder and harder to relate to as I got older.

One day when I was about 11 years old, my mum told me stories about her mum and how she read tea leaves and was able to predict people’s future events. Mum also told me that all the neighbours would come to her for natural remedies to ear infections, fevers and headaches making her very popular indeed. I felt a sudden chill run from the top of my head down and across my shoulders and in an instant had an overwhelming, unshakeable yet unexplainable knowing that it was Grandma Peggy who with with me.

It wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that a series of incredible synchronicities that led me to learn Reiki, which was pretty wild, considering I had never heard of it, in fact, no-one I knew had heard of it, and that’s when my intuitive abilities really took off. I was able to see energy around people, could feel their energy field which really helped me balance their energy fields, while also being able to clairvoyantly tune into it, bringing in information only they knew about, hearing words, phrases and sentences I would not normally use come out of my mouth and wonder where on earth the information came from, with the client gob smacked relaying how accurate the insight and information was, which helped them with their healing journey. The thing is though, I didn’t fully share all of this with my Reiki Master, so never realised until I was in my forties that I was indeed, clairvoyant, clair audience and clair cognisant which meant I would see images in my minds eye followed by a message internally and a knowing, all with a split second of each other.

I have been teaching and practicing Reiki for over 25 years now and in that time have helped clients heal themselves from physical, mental and emotional imbalances with everything from back pain, to depression, to grief to anxiety to auto immune disease to insomnia.

I am also trained in Tarot which is an absolute passion of mine as it is a beautiful blend of energy, intuition and psychology and is incredibly accurate and insightful and I use this in my soul sessions as a tool to help gain insight into someone’s Journey and what to consider when moving forward with their purpose and mission in this lifetime.

Lastly I am a qualified Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Health Coach which pairs beautifully with my work as science shows that if you are not nourishing your body with quality nutrition, water and sleep as well as managing stress correctly this is going to show up in your energy centres, which, if ignored end up in your physical body causing dis-ease.

I am so excited to work with you!

Ready to work with me to become the very best version of yourself?

Get in touch.

Contact me today to see how we can work together to create the life you love through Reiki, soul sessions and creating your own reality!